关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank is listed as one of the TOP-100 of the largest Russian banks

Center-invest Bank is listed as one of the TOP-100 of the largest Russian banks


According to the results of RBC ratings «The largest banks of Russia for 9 months of 2010» and «The most profitable and efficient banks for 9 months of 2010», Center-invest Bank again proves the status of one of the largest business partners for corporate and retail customers in southern Russia.

Among the ТОP-100 of the Russian banks Center-invest occupies the following positions:

  • 40th in terms of retail deposits
  • 45th in terms of retail lending
  • 53rd in terms of liquid assets
  • 63rd in terms of business lending
  • 63rd in terms of loan portfolio
  • 66th in terms of deposits portfolio
  • 69th in terms of equity
  • 71st in terms of net assets

Center-invest Bank is also on the 68th position among the TOP-300 of the largest universal banks of Russia.

Center-Invest Bank is successfully pursuing its strategic mission, which is: to provide our business and retail customers in southern Russia with a comprehensive range of banking services in compliance with international best practice and modern banking technologies. It is in the economy of the Rostov region that Center-Invest Bank plays the greatest role, accounting for almost three quarters of all the assets, loans and deposits of local banks.

In 2010 Center-invest Bank has increased its banking services market share in the Rostov region.

As at 01.12.10 Local banks All banks(excl. Sberbank)

The high rating positions serve as an indicator confirming reliability of the largest Bank of southern Russia as well as a proof of its sustainable working results and customers’ confidence and trust.

To promote the post-crisis development of southern Russia, Center-Invest has approved its new strategy «The Post-Crisis Development of Southern Russia». Also the Bank has put forward a business model for the modernisation of the region. The model is called “khutor modernisation”.

(http://www.expert.ru/printissues/south/2010/44/hutorskaya_modernizaciya/). The proposed business model is based on the experience of Center-Invest’s customers who have been proactive in implementing modernisation projects, using their own initiative to purchase the best technology from global markets and produce competitive goods in southern Russia for sale on regional and international markets.

Center-invest Bank congratulates all clients and partners on New Year 2011 and wishes success for the post-crisis development!

