关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Our bank-managed mutual fund (BMMF) “Center-Invest 2” was the top performer of 2010

Our bank-managed mutual fund (BMMF) “Center-Invest 2” was the top performer of 2010


The Association for the Protection of Investors’ Information Rights (AZIPI) has reported on last year’s performance on the collective investments market. Based on returns achieved, the best performing bank-managed bond fund was Center-Invest 2, delivering a return of 34.5%.

The fund’s success at the national level is indicative of the high level of competency of Center-Invest Bank’s experts and their professional knowledge of the trends in the Russian securities market.

We are cautiously optimistic about the stock market in 2011, at least for the first half of the year,” says Maxim Ryabunin, head of Center-Invest Bank’s securities department. “Certain sectors of the economy are looking particularly attractive in the light of potential recovery, for example, residential property and the retail sector.”

We have two BMMFs for our retail customers: Center-Invest 1 and Center-Invest 2. Both funds were set up in 2003 and have performed well since then. In terms of returns achieved, they consistently rank among the top performing Russian funds.

Combining assets in the two funds gives us added flexibility in the management of our investments. Although BMMF are long-term investment vehicles, for our customers’ convenience, they can withdraw their money from our BMMF at any time.

Center-Invest Bank manages its funds in a transparent manner, working together with AZIPI (www.azipi.ru).

Up-to-date information about our funds’ yields and portfolio structures is available in Russian on our website: www.centrinvest.ru