关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-Invest Bank recognised as the best Russian bank of 2010 for sustainability

Center-Invest Bank recognised as the best Russian bank of 2010 for sustainability


The magazine The New Economy has announced the winners of its international competition “The Sustainable Finance Awards”. Center-Invest Bank was the only Russian bank to be selected for an award. 

The award winners are companies that contributed to financial stability on the global market in 2010 and which demonstrate a high level of social responsibility and sustainability in both developing and emerging markets.

Center-Invest Bank was one of the twenty-seven financial institutions from Europe, Asia, America and Africa to be selected as award winners. The award recognises our achievements in producing and implementing our own post-crisis development programmes, “South of Russia+” and “Southern Russia Versus the Global Crisis”, and also our social and educational projects.

The sustainable finance award was set up to reward banks and other financial institutions that are demonstrating leadership and innovation by actively integrating sustainable development principles into their business operations: socially responsible conduct, sustainable development, and corporate governance.

Center-Invest Bank has always stood out for its innovative approach to doing business; we are committed to social responsibility, we apply international best practice, and we use modern banking technologies, all in the interests of promoting economic development in southern Russia. Our success in this prestigious international competition testifies to the investment appeal of southern Russia’s post-crisis economy.

The New Economy is published quarterly and provided to Finance Directors, Chief Financial Officers and their legal and strategic advisers, corporate treasurers and leading bankers, institutional investors and compliance officers, regulators, Ministers of Finance, Energy/Environment Ministries and their senior council. The New Economy’s remit is to engender financial investment and encourage discussion and debate of appropriate strategies for the promotion of global economic growth in a concise and constructive format.


 The approach is to create thought leaders in chosen content areas and invite them to knowledge share, providing a platform which allows their analysis and experience to be seen by enterprise Financial Strategists, whilst their presence identifies their organisations as Market Leaders.

 The New Economy Awards - created to identify industry leaders, individuals, teams and organisations that represent the benchmark of achievement and best practice in the financial and business world - reflect a wider spectrum of financial services and related industries than ever before.

The The New Economy awards panel, headed up by editor Jan Spiegel, used a wide range of criteria, and the critical eye of a collective 175 years of journalism to inform its decision over the most pertinent categories to include in the 2010 awards, and to establish criteria for voters to consider, such as innovation, originality and quality of product, as well as proof of market development and excellence in client representation.
