关于银行  / 财经新闻  / The Rostov region and the European Union: Opportunities for Cooperation

The Rostov region and the European Union: Opportunities for Cooperation


On 20 May, in Center-Invest Bank’s conference hall in Rostov-on-Don, the South Regional Committee of the Association of European Business (AEB) presented its recent achievements and introduced its new Rostov Sub-Committee. The event was held as part of “Europe Days”, celebrated in Rostov on 20-22 May.

During the event, representatives of the AEB in Russia and the Southern Federal District, delegations from the European Union, the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Rostov Region Administration, and the Rostov-on-Don City Council, and also representatives of the region’s business community participated in a round table discussion of opportunities to develop southern Russia’s infrastructure.

The participants discussed opportunities for the Rostov region to work together with EU member states in various economic spheres, including cooperation to develop infrastructure, industry and agriculture. The main emphasis was on developing public-private partnership (PPP) projects in transport and energy efficiency, and for the construction of facilities such as car parks, and also on using European experience of PPP to help develop the region’s infrastructure.

Our customers’ experience of working with partners from the EU clearly demonstrates the scope for a three to fivefold increase in production efficiency,” says President and Chairman of the Board of Center-Invest Bank, Dr. Vasily Vysokov. “As a result of improved labour productivity, incomes are going up and the standard of living is rising. Our experience of introducing new technologies and equipment encompasses all areas: agribusiness, food production, services, increasing energy efficiency, and re-equipping SMEs. We have received many interesting proposals from our foreign partners, and we are ready to share these with the business community and government bodies.”

In his capacity as Chairman of the Rostov Sub-Committee of the AEB South Regional Committee, Dr. Vasily Vysokov delivered a paper entitled “The Rostov Region and the European Union: Opportunities for Cooperation”.

The main objective of the Rostov Sub-Committee is to provide European companies with services that make it easier for them to operate in the region. These services include: protecting their interests, facilitating relationships with the local authorities and civil society organisations, establishing business contacts, and information services. The Rostov Sub-Committee is committed to helping improve the business climate in southern Russia.



Set up in Krasnodar in 2003, the AEB South Regional Committee was the Association’s first regional division. Today, the Committee comprises more than 30 leading foreign companies and companies with foreign participation that have operations in Krasnodar Krai, Stavropol Krai and the Rostov region.

The South Regional Committee works to address issues that affect international companies wishing to enter or expand their operations in the region. It promotes a positive investment image for southern Russia and its individual regions with the aim of encouraging cooperation between AEB members and constructive dialogue with the regional authorities, and also attracting foreign investment.