关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank Increases Lending in 2014

Center-invest Bank Increases Lending in 2014


In 2014 Center-invest Bank’s loan portfolio increased by RUB11.5bn (+17.8%) to RUB76bn. The stable growth in lending can be attributed to record low interest rates and the bank’s long-term sustainable development strategy, comprehensive support for entrepreneurs, and customer advice.

In 2014, Center-invest Bank lent a total of RUB110bn to the local population and small business in southern Russia.

As at 1 January 2015 the bank’s SME loan portfolio was RUB30.4bn (+11%) and its retail loan portfolio stood at over RUB33.7bn (+29%).

With regard to finance for the agricultural sector, Sergei Smirnov, Deputy Chairman of Center-invest Bank’s Executive Board, said: “Lending to agricultural companies is one of Center-invest Bank’s priorities. During 2014 our loan portfolio for this sector averaged at over RUB10bn. At year end it was RUB9.8bn. Moreover, about 40% of the loans were for investment purposes to enable our customers to expand.”

To date, Center-invest Bank has lent more than RUB10bn to finance energy efficiency projects. In 2014, its energy efficiency lending exceeded RUB2.4bn.

Center-invest Bank continues to provide finance on preferential terms under the Start-Up and Youth Business Russia programmes (315 loans for a total of RUB438m) and the Business Loans for Women programme (175 loans for a total of RUB200m).