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Center-invest Bank Visits French National Assembly


Experts from Center-invest Bank met with French deputy Nicolas Dhuicq at the French National Assembly. Mr Dhuicq attended Russia’s first Positive Economy Forum earlier this year.

During the meeting, Center-invest Bank’s representatives presented southern Russia’s economic results for 1H 2015 and a report on Russia’s first Positive Economy Forum. They also spoke about the Don Cossacks’ anti-crisis principles, which are set out in the latest book by Dr Vasily Vysokov, chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-invest Bank, “Transformational banking: made in Russia”.

“The Positive Economy Forum in Rostov-on-Don created a future for the global positive economy,” Mr Dhuicq said. “It was inspirational for all of the delegates and speakers.”

The highlights of the visit included a tour of the National Assembly building and a discussion about the global competitiveness of southern Russia.

Russia’s first Positive Economy Forum was held in Rostov-on-Don in June 2015. Center-invest Bank was the event organiser for the Russian side. One of the key principles of a positive economy is to represent the interests of future generations. With this aim, the Forum organisers invited young people to respond to an online questionnaire about how they see their future in 2030 (http://positiveforum.ru/anketa/). More than 1500 people took part and the results are available at http://positiveforum.ru/files/results.xls.

Center-invest Bank has since launched a competition for the best creative analysis of the questionnaire results. The winner will receive a prize of RUB100,000, and two runners-up will each receive RUB50,000.