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Center-invest Bank Rises Up The Banker Ranking


Last month The Banker magazine published its annual ranking of the Top 100 Russian banks. Center-invest Bank has moved up the ranking, thanks to its work with the real economy (lending to the real economy accounts for 86.27% of the bank’s assets).

We now rank:

55th (+3) for Tier 1 capital and net assets,

40th for profits,

42nd for capital adequacy (CAR=16.6%),

48th for return on equity (ROE=7.47%),

49th for return on assets (ROA=0.78%),

51st for cost/income ratio (CIR=47.3%).

Also, in February Moody’s affirmed Center-invest Bank’s B1 rating, outlook stable. The agency noted the bank’s good cost management, its diversified loan portfolio, and southern Russia’s dynamic economic growth, including in the small business sector. Almost 60,000 SMEs are customers of Center-invest Bank.

Center-invest Bank continues to lend to its customers on preferential terms. It has special inclusive finance programmes: «Start-Up», «Youth Business Russia» and «Business Loans for Women». The bank has lent a total of RUB0.6bn to help 550 new entrepreneurs start their own businesses; 360 female entrepreneurs have received a total of RUB0.5bn from the bank.

Center-invest Bank’s sustainable development business model is based on the principle of managing risks together with the customer. This allows the bank to keep its loan interest rates down even during a crisis, meaning that its customers can complete their development projects and repay their loans on time.