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Center-invest Bank’s 2018 Results


Center-invest Bank has presented its results for 2018, calculated in accordance with IFRS. The bank demonstrated high-quality growth for its key performance indicators. Its results confirm the effectiveness of its transformational banking business model, which includes environmental, social and governance (ESG) requirements.

In 2018 Center-invest Bank’s net profits calculated under IFRS were RUB1.53bn (+7.5%). Return on equity was 11.9%.

The bank’s assets totalled RUB112bn, an increase of RUB9.5bn (+9.3%) on the previous year.

The bank’s loan and lease portfolio grew by 10% to RUB88bn. Growth continued to be driven primarily by retail lending, which amounted to RUB55.7bn in 2018.

Customer deposits increased by 9.2% to RUB95.2bn, 80% of which comprised retail customer deposits.

The bank’s capital increased by 3.9% to RUB13.13bn. Capital adequacy under IFRS was 16.7%, and Tier 1 capital adequacy was 15.1%. Capital adequacy calculated in accordance with the Bank of Russia’s requirements was 10.87% (the minimum level permitted is 9.875%).

In 2018 Center-invest Bank became the first Russian bank to receive an ESG rating from Vigeo Eiris: we rank 17th among 76 European banks. This is in addition to our financial ratings: Moody’s Ba3 and ACRA A(RU), outlook stable. As well as financial reports produced in accordance with Russian and international standards (audited by PwC), Center-invest Bank publishes annual environmental and social reports applying GRI standards.

The Banker magazine ranks Center-invest Bank among the Top 50 Russian Banks based on performance in 2018. The Banker’s rating uses the indicators that are the most significant for investors: Tier 1 capital, capital growth (20th), assets (41st), profits (33rd). Center-invest Bank’s business model is focused on the real economy (4th among Russian banks) and achieves a high level of efficiency (25th for cost/income ratio).

Center-invest Bank WAS, IS AND WILL BE THE BEST! This is not an advertising slogan, but a brief description of Center-invest Bank’s business model: working in the best region, with the best partners, customers, employees and shareholders, with the best younger generation, on the basis of best international practice.

Our auditor is PwC Audit, and the auditor’s report is available on our website: www.centrinvest.ru