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Center-invest Bank Moves Up The Banker’s Ranking


Last month The Banker magazine published its annual ranking of the Top 50 Russian banks. Center-invest Bank has moved up the ranking, thanks to its work in the real economy.

4th — loans to assets ratio

15th — profit growth

18th — return on equity (ROE)

20th — capital growth

24th — return on assets (ROA)

25th — cost/income ratio

28th — capital adequacy ratio (CAR)

33rd — profits

41st — assets

45th — Tier 1 Capital

The Banker’s ranking uses the indicators that are the most significant for investors: Tier 1 capital, profit growth (15th), capital growth (20th) and return on assets (24th). Center-invest Bank’s business model is focused on the real economy (4th among Russian banks) and achieves a high level of efficiency (25th for cost/income ratio).

The Banker sees positive signs of recovery in Russia’s banking sector, but also notes the risks of slow economic growth and the impact of sanctions.

In 2018 Center-invest Bank’s net profits calculated under IFRS were RUB1.53bn (+7.5%). Return on equity was 11.9%. The bank’s assets totalled RUB112bn, an increase of RUB9.5bn (+9.3%) on the previous year.

The bank’s capital increased by 3.9% to RUB13.13bn. Capital adequacy under IFRS was 16.7%, and Tier 1 capital adequacy was 15.1%.

The bank’s loan and lease portfolio grew by 10% to RUB88bn. Customer deposits increased by 9.2% to RUB95.2bn, 80% of which comprised retail customer deposits.

In 2018 Center-invest Bank became the first Russian bank to receive an ESG rating from Vigeo Eiris: we rank 17th among 76 European banks. This is in addition to our financial ratings: Moody’s Ba3 and ACRA A(RU), outlook stable. As well as financial reports produced in accordance with Russian and international standards (audited by PwC), Center-invest Bank publishes annual environmental and social reports applying GRI standards.

Center-invest Bank WAS, IS AND WILL BE THE BEST! This is not an advertising slogan, but a brief description of Center-invest Bank’s business model: working in the best region, with the best partners, customers, employees and shareholders, with the best future generation, on the basis of best international practice.