关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank – the Future Digital Economy of the Region

Center-invest Bank – the Future Digital Economy of the Region


On 5 September 2019, Center-invest Bank hosted a meeting of the Rostov Region Council of IT System Designers, during which a tripartite agreement was signed on cooperation in the education sector to support gifted and talented children.

Under this agreement, Center-invest Bank and the company RnD Soft joined a project initiated by the Rostov Region Ministry for Information Technologies and Communications, the regional centre "Steps to Success" and Southern Federal University.

The parties to the agreement believe that in order to improve information technologies in the region, the system for educating and training future IT personnel must be reformed.

"IT companies in the region and financial institutions, i.e. future employers, have already expressed their desire to help implement the agreement," said German Lopatkin, head of the Rostov Region Ministry for Information Technologies and Communications. Mr Lopatkin explained that the main aim is that pupils are taught and encouraged to study IT as an occupation, in the interests of the development of the IT sector in the Rostov region.

Implementing its strategy "ESG Digitalisation of Center-invest Bank’s Ecosystem", the bank provides customers with quality financial services incorporating a high level of access to information and technology. The bank is also open to cooperation in the field of IT education.

"Educational projects are of interest to us," said Yuri Bogdanov, Center-invest Bank’s Director of Innovation. "While previously, entrepreneurs approached the bank at the loan application stage, today we are encouraging entrepreneurs to approach us as soon as they decide to start their own business. It is for this reason that Center-invest Bank established an Accelerator, which is not so much a place, as a set of functions, providing entrepreneurs with basic knowledge and skills, advice, support from mentors, and the opportunity to develop within the bank’s ecosystem."

Center-invest Bank has an Accelerator programme for new and existing entrepreneurs, in which over 5,000 people have participated. To date, 730 entrepreneurs have successfully launched their own businesses. www.acc.centrinvest.ru