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Center-invest Bank’s 2019 Results


Center-invest Bank has presented its results for 2019, calculated in accordance with IFRS. The bank demonstrated high-quality growth for its key performance indicators. Its results confirm the effectiveness of its ESG — banking business model, which is the main trend in global financial markets.

In 2019 Center-invest Bank’s net profits calculated under IFRS increased by 17% and reached RUB 1.8 bn. Return on equity increased to 13.1% compared to 11.2% a year earlier.

The bank’s assets totalled RUB 119.5 bn, an increase of RUB 7.3 bn (+6.6%) on the previous year.

The bank’s capital increased by 8.3% to RUB 14.2 bn which was primarily due to the net profit earned in 2019. Capital adequacy in accordance with Basel III standards was 18.4%, and Tier 1 capital adequacy was 16.8%.

Customer deposits increased by 4.4% to RUB 99.4 bn, 81% of which comprised retail customer deposits.

"The result of the bank’s work over the last year has once again shown the effectiveness of our business model. The bank’s main development trends were: affordable lending for retail customers and small business, the digitalisation of banking products, acceleration of a new generation of entrepreneurs," says Lidia Simonova, Chairman of Center-invest Bank’s Executive Board.

The bank’s loan and lease portfolio amounted to RUB 85.1 bn, with a slight decrease in 2019 (-3.4%) due to the debt settlement of several large corporate borrowers. Retail lending remains the main driver of portfolio growth, and amounted to 52.8 bn. The SME loan portfolio amounted to RUB 32.3 bn in 2019.Center-invest Bank’s experience is an excellent example of the successful implementation of ESG-banking in Russia. In 2019 Center-invest Bank became a member of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV) and a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Banking, which guide leading financial institutions worldwide. Center-invest became the first Russian bank to receive an ESG — ranking from Vigeo Eiris, taking 17th place among 76 European banks, in addition to our financial ratings: Moody’s Ba3 and ACRA A(RU) with a stable outlook.

As well as financial reports produced in accordance with Russian and international standards (audited by PwC), Center-invest Bank publishes annual environmental and social reports applying GRI standards.

The auditor’s report is available on our website: Independent Auditor's Report 2019