关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank Starts Using Solar Power

Center-invest Bank Starts Using Solar Power


Center-invest Bank has installed solar panels on the roof of its head office. The electricity generated will be used to power the bank’s exterior night lighting and also to increase the number of terminals in the bank’s self-service zone.

On 8 August 2020 Center-invest Bank installed 44 solar panels on the roof of its head office in Rostov-on-Don. The panels have a capacity of 10kW. With an anticipated average daily output of 50kWh, on the very first day, the power generated by the panels reduced electricity consumption from the network by 70kWh. The anticipated annual power output is 18,250kWh.

The daily energy saving thanks to this new project is equivalent to the electricity used to operate seven ATMs or fifteen payment terminals for a 24-hour period.

"Upholding our reputation as the main "green" bank, we implement projects to improve the energy efficiency of our operations," says Lidia Simonova, Chairman of Center-invest Bank’s Executive Board. "The solar panel project was introduced this year for a good reason — we are responsible for the natural resources that we consume, and we must think about future generations. Our aim is that the bank’s night lighting will be powered entirely by electricity generated by the solar panels."

Center-invest Bank is an example of a socially responsible bank. Back in 2005 we were the first to introduce specialised energy efficiency loan products for SMEs. Every year we contribute to environmental protection by financing our customers’ energy efficiency projects. To date, we have invested over RUB17bn in 21,000 customer projects. These projects have reduced CO2 emissions by 200,000 tonnes a year.

The bank also has wastepaper and battery recycling containers for its employees at its head office.

Our annual Environment and Social Report, available on the bank’s website, provides information about all of our energy efficiency, environmental and social projects.