关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank Launches Special Promotion to Support Frontline Medical Workers.

Center-invest Bank Launches Special Promotion to Support Frontline Medical Workers.


Responding to an appeal by the governor of the Rostov Region, Vasily Golubev, for the business community to support medical workers, on 11 January 2021 Center-invest Bank introduced special loan terms for these personnel. We are offering frontline medical workers preferential terms for refinancing consumer, mortgage and car loans taken out with another bank, and reduced rates for existing loan agreements with Center-invest Bank.

For frontline medical workers[i] the interest rate for existing loan agreements will be reduced by 0.5% per annum. The discount for refinanced loans will also be 0.5% per annum on the base rate. These discounted rates will apply throughout 2021. (They do not apply to loans made under government-subsidised programmes to support young families with children, the 6% Mortgage or the Rural Mortgage.) 

“In this difficult period, our doctors and nurses are working on the frontline to protect our health and help us overcome all the challenges associated with the spread of Covid 19,” said Lidia Simonova, Chairman of the Executive Board of Center-invest Bank. “In doing so, they are risking their own health and wellbeing. To thank our heroic medical workers, Center-invest Bank wants to help them pay off debts, and so we are offering preferential terms for refinancing loans, and discounted interest rates for existing loans”.  

To take advantage of these offers, medical workers should complete an application form on the bank’s website and submit their documents.

Center-invest Bank is an example of a socially responsible business, committed to long-term relationships with its partners and customers and sustainable development in the interests of current and future generations. Supporting healthcare is one of the bank’s priorities in terms of corporate social responsibility. The bank provides payroll programmes for many medical institutions. We have also long provided charitable assistance to the regional children’s cardiology centre, the Dobrodei children’s rehabilitation centre, and municipal first aids stations. During the pandemic, Center-invest Bank was one of the first to acquire personal protective equipment (PPE) for doctors working at the central municipal hospital in Rostov-on-Don.

In spring 2020, Center-invest Bank’s customers contributed to a campaign run by the charity, Live Fund. Every time a customer made a payment using a Mir bank card, a donation was sent to Live Fund, and as a result, hospitals in the Rostov region received over 12,000 sets of PPE.

Under its ESG framework, the bank’s charitable work encompasses a range of projects that have a social impact, including: acquiring medical equipment and medicines for medical institutions; special projects for children with disabilities; providing assistance for socially vulnerable groups of the population, the elderly, and veterans’ organisations; and long-term charitable programmes with museums and theatres, and also local departments for fostering and adoption.

[i] As defined in section No. 1 of Russian Health Ministry Order No. 1183n dated 20.12.2012.