关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-Invest Bank Participates in the Russia-China Business Forum

Center-Invest Bank Participates in the Russia-China Business Forum


A Russia-China Business Forum was held in Shanghai on 23 May 2023. The event was attended by Mr. Yury Bogdanov, Director of Innovations at Center-invest Bank.

Prime Minister Mr. Mikhail Mishustin headed the Russian delegation to the Forum. Executives from leading companies in Russia and China were also on the list of participants. The forum focused on cooperation between the countries in the areas of production, energy, trade, transport, agriculture and digitalisation.

Mr. Yury Bogdanov, Director for Innovations at Center-invest Bank, held a series of meetings with the bank’s Chinese partners and took part in roundtable discussions on developing the digitalisation of the Russian-Chinese dialogue, including e-commerce, seamless cross-border transactions, cross-border electronic document flow, mutual export of advanced IT solutions and staff training.

At the forum, Center-invest Bank presented special reports in Chinese for the first time. Such reporting allows for a higher level of trust and faster interaction with the bank’s Chinese partners.

For southern Russia, China is an important and mutually beneficial partner in international trade. Since 2011, Center-invest Bank has been opening RMB accounts for entrepreneurs free of charge and offering support for smooth foreign trade transactions with Chinese partners. In 2022, the cash equivalent of the bank’s customers’ turnover with Chinese partners increased by 85% year-on-year.