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Center-Invest Bank Presented Its Experience at the All-Russian Banking Conference


On 25 May 2023, the XXIII All-Russian Banking Conference organised by the Association of Banks of Russia was held in Moscow. Center-invest Bank participated in the event and held a session on financing projects for technological sovereignty and structural adjustment of the economy.

Mr. Aleksandr Dolganov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Center-invest Bank, who moderated the session, presented the bank’s successful experience in financing technological transformation projects and the use of non-financial assessment of such loans based on the ESG rating model for SME loans, which was implemented in 2022.

Mr. Alexander Dolganov outlined the advantages and role of regional banks in accelerating the technological sovereignty of the economy. The bank’s experience confirms its willingness to work in all taxonomies, from green and social projects to structural adjustment and transformation projects.

At the end of the session, Center-invest Bank proposed a number of initiatives to the Russian Ministry of Economic Development to improve the passport of the National Project for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises and Support of Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives, made additions to the Bank of Russia’s roadmap for the development of SME financing, updated proposals to the SME Corporation to effectively inform entrepreneurs about preferential financing opportunities, and developed a special guarantee support mechanism focused on SMEs and regional banks.