关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-Invest Bank Ranks among Russia’s Business Leaders

Center-Invest Bank Ranks among Russia’s Business Leaders


Center-invest Bank became one of the winners of the All-Russia contest «Leaders of Russian Business: Dynamics, Responsibility, Sustainability — 2022» organised by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The bank won in two categories of the contest: «Best Practice of Interaction Between Big Business and SMEs» and «Best Digitalisation Project».

The purpose of the «Leaders of Russian Business: Dynamics, Responsibility, Sustainability — 2022» competition is to promote sustainable business development and to identify fast-growing companies based on their economic, social and environmental performance.

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs highly appreciated the bank’s projects that contribute to economic, environmental and social sustainability. The experts highlighted special SME lending programmes, financial literacy training projects, the bank’s green products, as well as the ESG principles of responsible investment.

The nomination dedicated to digitalisation recognised the successful implementation of a project to use a smartphone with the Mir Pay app as an identifier in the infrastructure of the Southern Federal University. For Center-invest Bank and the Mir payment system, the main objective of the project was to promote non-financial services and improve the security and financial transaction activity of national cardholders.