The RAEX rating agency (RAEX Analytics) has published the results of the competition of annual reports of financial organizations (2024). The annual report of Center-invest Bank received 4 stars for "very high quality", improving the previous result by one grade.
Every year, the competition evaluates over 100 reports from companies — both domestic and from the CIS countries. The reports are assessed both for their content and design. The authoritative independent commission includes leading experts and developers of annual reports, including representatives of the RSPP Committee on corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.
Center-invest Bank implements ESG banking business model, guided by the principles of social and environmental responsibility, relying on the best global practices of corporate governance, and informs clients and partners about the results of its work in a lively language in understandable terms and metrics.
The improved result of the independent evaluation of the competition confirms to the correctness of the chosen strategy of information transparency, reliability and accessibility of Center-invest Bank reporting.