关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank’s Financial Literacy Projects Recognised as the Best in the Region

Center-invest Bank’s Financial Literacy Projects Recognised as the Best in the Region


The Rostov Region Ministry of Finance published the Catalogue of the best regional financial literacy practises 2024. Projects of Center-invest Bank have been recognised as the best experience in the area of financial education.

The bank actively supports non-profit projects to develop financial culture. The best practices of the region included the Financial Literacy Centre, the Center-invest Bank Accelerator, as well as projects for online research of the level of financial literacy of schoolchildren and students of secondary vocational education institutions (SPO).

For over 10 years, the bank has been implementing a free social and educational project, the Financial Literacy Centre, where schoolchildren, students, entrepreneurs, and pensioners can undergo training. The bank conducts inclusive events and financial literacy training in Russian sign language for the deaf and people with impaired hearing. To date, five Financial Literacy Centres are permanently operational in Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Krasnodar, Volgograd and Volgodonsk. More than 2 million people have become students of the Centres.

Center-invest Bank has acceleration programmes in seven areas: for starting and already active entrepreneurs, self-employed persons, teachers, marketplace participants, Don State Technical University engineering students, and participants of foreign economic activities. The Center-invest Bank Accelerator allows you to start your own business together with a team of professionals or set a new vector for the development of an existing business. More than 8,600 people have completed training at the Bank Accelerator.

Together with the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Education, Center-invest Bank annually performs a financial literacy research among school students of the Don region, which is aimed at measurement of financial education level and heightening of the interest in the topic of financial literacy. In 2023, more than 61 thousand people took the financial literacy test, which is 3 times more than the number of respondents in 2022.

The bank’s responsible attitude towards society is also reflected in the highest ESG rating ESG-AA, level ESG-2, which was assigned to the bank by the analytical credit rating agency ACRA in April 2024.