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Make a deposit in the mobile bank

Center-invest Bank has implemented the remote deposit making feature in the mobile bank.


Children’s card of Center-invest Bank tops the debit cards ranking

The information portal Vyberu.ru ranked the best children’s debit cards in August 2023. Center-invest Bank came in second among the Russian banks with its Children’s Card.


Center-invest Bank takes the carbon footprint of agricultural loans under control

Since July 2023 Center-invest Bank started calculating carbon footprint of all loans extended to the agribusiness. Over 1.5 months following the launch of the methodology, the bank has assessed the emissions from 53 loans for the amount of 397.4 million rubles.


Center-invest Bank improves southern Russia’s financial culture

The Ministry of Finance and Bank of Russia have updated the population’s financial literacy development strategy to be used until the year 2030. The new version makes emphasis on transition from financial literacy to financial culture. Over the years Center-invest Bank has been successfully implementing the sustainable banking model and comprehensive development of financial literacy in the region.


Social projects of Center-invest Bank recognized by the Rostov Region Ministry of Education

Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region expressed its gratitude to Center-invest Bank for regular provision of help to orphans and abandoned children.


Center-invest Bank is among the region’s best financial literacy practices

The Rostov Region Ministry of Finance published a catalog of the best regional financial literacy practices for the year 2023. Projects of Center-invest Bank have been recognized as the best experience in the area of financial education.


Center-invest Bank's Rural Housing Loan Programme Ranked Among the Best

According to calculations of the analytical department of Vyberu.ru portal, mortgage plan of Center-invest Bank took the 2nd place in the rating of the best rural housing loan programmes in July 2023.


Center-invest Bank Mortgage Plan Is Among Top-Rated Mortgage Programmes for IT Specialists

According to the calculations of Vyberu.ru portal, the mortgage plan of Center-invest Bank was ranked as the second best in the rating of mortgage programme for IT specialists in June 2023.